March 6, 2000 - Monday
6:44PM Central Time
March 7, 2000 - Tuesday
Subject: I wish I were home... Larry, I couldn't talk last night as they were right there and things weren't as I'd expected. Nobody looked like his picture; Jay to the worse, Brian to the better. Long story short, we were all drinking heavily last night. Jay & Brian clicked/stuck together, and Matt and I ended up jerking off. I felt so bad immediately afterward that I started to wretch. That SO wasn't what I had planned. We finally went to bed at around 5AM, with me on the couch. Now, it's just before 8AM and I really just wish I were home. I feel bad physically and mentally. I've got a headache and a slight hangover... but more I just feel guilty and somewhat dirty. I know it was just jerking off; not even a kiss, but I love you and only you. So, I don't know if this is an apology letter or just a status update, or a bit of both.
Wishing I were home, but going to tough it out for the next 32 hours.
Just wanted to send a note to check and make sure that you made it back to
CA all in one piece. I'm unable to access the internet from work today for
some obscure server reason, so I'm unable to see if you make an update to
the journal. I had a really nice time getting to know you better and I hope we didn't completely bore you here in Nashville. Jay and Brian both really opened up again after you left. I think they both have idolized you to a point where they are really scared to talk to you face to face. It's very interesting and I don't understand it. Anyway... tell Larry I said hello, and I'll talk more later... right now I have to get all of these jerks at work back into a productive environment. It amazes me how quickly people forget how to do things where you're not here to remind them. Matt
March 8, 2000 - Wednesday
March 9, 2000 - Thursday
March 10, 2000 - Friday
March 13, 2000 - Monday