Speaking of things job/career-wise, I'm thinking about working for Saturn Internet. I was looking for a new access provider since my previous one only had connections in Kentucky when I happened upon their web page and saw that they were needing a part time HTML programmer. I've since found out that they also want a person who'll answer the phone and field technical support questions. I'd rather do that than work at Copy Cop by any means, but I need the money my full time Copy Cop job generates. So I'm unsure of what to do. I'll probably have an interview with saturn.net this week.
Pagewise, I added my resume in hopes that someone who needs an HTML programmer to design their web pages will see it. I'm still working on the JKP revision, but with my current lack of time, it's taking longer than anticipated.
October 22, 1995
It would seem that I haven't written here in a week... hopefully I'll have more free time soon.
On Monday morning, I called Saturn Internet to see when they wanted to interview me. --Paul, the guy who I'd
been talking to about the job, had asked for an interview in a previous e-mail. His response: the sooner, the better. So
we arranged to meet at 2 o'clock at his office.
I found a map and pinpointed the street where the office was located, added a tie to my shirt, and headed out the door.
After several minutes of searching for the correct street and then number, I found the building and a steep set of stairs. I knew they
were on the fourth floor so I started upwards. But before I could get to the top, there was a door. Not knowing where the door went or
really wanting to walk through someone's office, I decided the elevator would be the best approach.
When the elevator doors opened, I saw a sign with the Saturn Internet logo on it about three feet away. I went through the door
to find a very spacious office and a secretary. As I was telling her that I was there to see Paul, a guy walked towards me, said that
he was Paul, and shook my hand.
After following him into his office, I sat down next to a computer and his business partner came over. They asked me a few
of the standard questions, but some that seemed like they hadn't really paid too much attention to my online resume. So I asked if
they'd checked out my site expecting them to say "Sure. Was that on there?" or something like that. Instead, Paul told me that
he hadn't looked at it at all.
kept flashing through my head. Here I was sitting in front of these
two guys who looked like older college frat boys, wanting a job from them, and I was going to be outed instantly... as soon as Paul
loaded up my page. And I knew it was going to be soon because he asked for my URL. I mean, I'm not closeted by hardly
any definition of the word, but the control of telling them I'm gay or not was completely out of my hands... plus, I didn't know what
type of situation would result. And so, I thought to myself, "Please don't let my page load. Please don't let my page load." and it
But Paul was determined, he figured out Webcom's IP address then tried to access my page that way. "Please don't let it
load." I thought to myself again... and it didn't.
But that still wasn't enough, Paul turned off his computer and tried again... once again, I prayed and once again, it didn't
load. I can't remember being so relieved.
With this third attempt, I didn't want to press my luck with the Webcom god, so I interjected, "It'll still be there if you want to
try later." I knew I didn't have a chance in the world of getting that job once they saw my page and I really didn't feel like sticking
around to see their reaction. A few civilities and I was out the door.
It's now Sunday and I still haven't heard back from them. They have my phone number and e-address and they said they'd contact me, but I haven't seen or heard anything... I was right.
- I spent two days in training seminars this past week which I felt were completely pointless... I even took
a tour of the store where I'd already worked for a week.
- On Thursday, I got my first paycheck and found that over $90 had been taken out for taxes.
- Yesterday, I was waiting on a customer and talking to her at the same time (more than usual, I mean) and eventually
ended up asking if she'd thought about taking her cookie company online. Once she said, "Perhaps", I interjected that web
designing was what I did in addition to Copy Cop. She asked if I had a card, but I didn't, so she said she'll be back by next week with some cookies and to talk to me more about it. In the meantime, I'm looking it to getting some printed via a cyberspace printing
- Later yesterday, a combination of bad food during my break and the fumes from the copying materials made me sick. I
don't think my supervisor believed me when I asked if I could leave two hours early, but by the time I'd crossed the road
and walked half a block, I threw up. Luckily, it was raining, so no mess was left on the sidewalk for someone to clean up.
In much better news, Justin's Koool Page will probably be going commercial in the very near future.
What that means exactly I'm not sure, but I do have several things in mind.
I'll be doing web design professionally.
This one's pretty certain. Right now, I've got two clients and a third on the way.
I'll be previewing then marketing select gay videos.
This one is still in development, but basically just as I sort through the crap on the binaries newgroups to find the pictures worthy of going in my art galleries, I'll preview erotic gay videos to decide which ones are worthy of being sold online (like Sirocco). Currently, Larry's talking to several distributors for me and I'm working on the
details such as order taking and so on. I know, personally, that I'd much rather order erotic videos online from
someone who'd sorted through the bad ones than to take a random stab at which movie to rent at the video store. For one, I'd want to know what I was getting was worthwhile and for another, I would rather order a
gay erotic video via my computer than to actually rent one from a probably straight video store employee.
I'll create The Koool Katalogue.
This one's also pretty certain. It'll be a special area of the new Justin's Koool Page to highlight other gay and/or noteworthy businesses which have gone online. A gay version, of sorts, of Yahoo's Web Launch.
I guess those are about all my new ideas for now. I've got others, but those are the only ones that I can put into words
at the moment. --The others are scattered little thoughts for overall page improvements.
© 1995-1999 Justin Clouse