December 1, 1999 - Wednesday
Ping, Well, I finally watched that video last night... and I don't know where to begin. Possible subject lines for this e-mail included:
The Blair Bitch Before "The Blair Witch Project"... (referring to the Kane character). Where do I begin... well, first off, if I ever write anything (a script or book or otherwise) that is that shallow in character development, please publicly humiliate me about it. Those characters were all so one-dimensional... and of course, we had the obligatory lesbian sex scenes in huge nipple stereovision detail... like they needed to worry about any straight guy going to go see it... yeah, that was going to happen. And then we had the long haired Kane guy who reminded me of Heather in The Blair Witch Project so much I just wanted to reach in there and cut his hair off. (And, of course, he had the obligatory gay fingernails... a not well documented phenomenon of gay characters onscreen appearing with extra long fingernails... also seen in vampires and any sort of character that prays on other humans). And of course we had the random gay character who'd contracted HIV... don't leave home (or make a gay movie) without it. It was sooo I-want-to-be-a-filmmaker. Perhaps it's just me, stuck here more in real life, but it was bad. Not worth a second viewing, even for a gay guy wanting to see gay movies...
December 7, 1999 - Tuesday
December 9, 1999 - Thursday
December 12, 1999 - Sunday
Well, I've changed a bit since we last exchanged emails. I've come up with a theory on human sexuality: There is no such thing as gay, straight, or bi. We are all humans. I believe in my God, and I believe God has created a person, or maybe several persons that are just right for us. The person could be male or female, and that is how we classify our sexuality. If we are meant to be with another man, then naturally we will feel attraction towards men....but usually only physical. There are three types of attraction: Physical, emotional, and intellectual.
Seth, Your theory is your theory, but I have to tell you that 98% of gay guys are sexually attracted to men EXCLUSIVELY. They wouldn't give a gal the time of day at a bar. The exclusivity number is a little lower for heterosexual men, as there's a bit of Narcissism in us all. We like ourselves, therefore we like those who look like us. But bisexual is a place rarely held by anyone for more than a while. It tends to be a phase before acknowledging that you're gay. So, you're theory is nice... but real world experience shows otherwise. Justin
Well, even though I never received a reply from my last email to you, I will give you one last update on me so far. I need to do this to show you how far you have helped me come. I'm now in college and my friends know about my sexuality. I'm pretty much accepting the fact i'm gay. I just joined my
campus' Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered organization. Actually, my first meeting is tomorrow. Christmas time will be me possibly considering telling my parents. I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by loving friends and people as yourself. Two of my friends are from CA, San Francisco, in fact, I'm going to see them for New Year's Eve. Anyway, I realize now that I was
attached myself onto you for quite some time, and I hope you can forgive me for that. I used you as my crutch and hopefully I didn't hurt you with my constant self denial. Surprisingly, one of the best catalysts for me is being at my Catholic U. No, the students are white conservative troglodites, but the Jesuits are very liberal and honest. I'm going to talk to a Father in a few days about my sexuality and how I can fulfill my destiny. I believe I met you through fate, I thank God for that everyday, I'm so glad I met you. You were the first person I ever told about me and who I am, you were the first to accept it and that will always hold a special place in my heart. Unless you show some sign of wanting to continue communication, this will be the
last email from me. When people attach themselves to me and want them to make decisions for me, I get agitated and I ditch them. I can understand that.
Thank you
December 14, 1999 - Tuesday
December 15, 1999 - Wednesday
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December 16, 1999 - Thursday